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Man riding bike on DG trail next to exercise equipment
Play equipment at playground
Child playing on play equipment
Girls playing on the slide
Girl hanging upside down on play equipment
Child playing on play equipment
Large sunny grass area in the park
Site plan rendering of the park and play area
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Creighton Park

Creighton Park was originally built in the 1960s with an expansion project completed in the 1980s. In 2018, the City of Milpitas brought BFS on board to modernize and add additional program elements to the park. The primary focus of the park renovation was to incorporate an inclusive playground at this park, which would be the first inclusive playground in the City’s park system.

The original park design was cherished by the neighborhood community. BFS worked closely with City Staff engaging the park neighbors in multiple community meetings to prioritize the needs of the neighborhood and develop a unique theme for the playground. The renovation design included a new inclusive playground, restroom, dog play area, small group picnic area, new park furnishings, replacement of existing light fixtures, and modernization of the irrigation system.

The design of the inclusive playground revolves around a ‘space’ theme, a nod to the aerospace industry that helped grow the City of Milpitas. BFS worked with Landscape Structures Inc. to create a unique space command module play structure with a variety of play opportunities, accessible features and supporting play elements for both 2-5 and 5-12-year-olds. The new dog park provides an opportunity for dog play and improved safety for the neighborhood.

The bid award was issued in June 2019 and the engineer’s estimate was within 4.5% of the construction budget awarded by the City.

recreation Projects