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Deran KoligIan Stadium
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Deran Koligian Stadium

The Central Unified School District returned to BFS for new plans and specifications to replace the synthetic surfacing previously planned and designed by BFS and DMA Sports Group, a national sports facility design consultant. The previous field wore well, and as expected replacement was necessary after approximately ten years of use.

The new turf system, developed for the City of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department by DMA Sports Group, quickly proved to be an overall improvement in design and performance. The improved turf system simplified the prior turf concept by removing the need for infill materials—avoiding the controversial SBR tire rubber and expensive alternatives, while retaining the industry’s workhorse yarns in the turf matrix. Zeolite infill was installed at low rates only to provide hydration. FIFA awarded the field with 2-Star certification, which is the highest synthetic turf rating from FIFA.

athletics Projects